East Zone Urological Society



TITLE : The name shall be “East Zone Chapter of the Urological Society of India” hereafter referred to as “The Society”

GEOGRAPHICAL AREA : The Society will act within the states of Bengal, Bihar, Jharkhand, Orissa, Assam, Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Manipur, Tripura, Mizoram and Andaman and Nicobar Island.

REGISTERED OFFICE : The Office of the Society shall be the place(s) as determined from time to time by the Council of the Society.


  • To promote high standards in the practice of Urolog
  • To associate together in one corporate body all scientific personnel actively interested in the practice of Urology in India.
  • To foster high and uniform standards in postgraduate training in Urology.
  • To promote research in Urology or other disciplines for the improvement of the practice of Urology.
  • To promote, establish or support any institution, scientific association or research organization which is directed towards raising the standards of Urological practice or teaching or research in Urology in India.
  • To promote the publication of scientific literature pertaining to Urological practice or research.
  • To endeavor, to establish and maintain liaison with other associations or organized bodies, in India or aboard, whose objects are in keeping with those of the Society.
  • To carry out any other activities which are identical or conducive to the furtherance of the objects of the Society.


Members shall be registered medical practitioners (Allopathy) and be either practicing Urology or other branches of medicine related to Urology. There shall be following classes of members.

  • Full Members : Only full member of the U.S.I are eligible to become full member of the Society.
  • Associate Members : Associate members shall be:
  • Qualified Surgeons interested in Urology and devoting part of their time, in practice/teaching of Urology, are eligible to be associate members.
  • Consultants of other disciplines of Medicine related to Urology and practicing in India.
  • Post graduate Students admitted to M.Ch(Urology) or DNB (G U Surgery) are eligible to become associate member of the society.
  • International Members  : Qualified urologists of Indian origin residing and practicing urology in a foreign country are eligible.
  • Honorary Members : Honorary members shall be Urological Surgeons of good standing in foreign countries who have shown an interest in Urological Society of India. Their contribution to Urology in India should be of exceptional merit. The number of such members at any given time shall not exceed fifteen. They are exempted from paying any dues and are not eligible to vote or hold office.


  • Full members: Nominees shall be sponsored by two Full members of the Society and elected by the Council. Subsequently ratified by General Body.
  • Associate members: Nominees shall be sponsored by two Full members and elected by the Council and ratified by General Body.
  • Honorary members: Nominees shall be sponsored by two full members and elected by the Council.


  • Only Full members shall be eligible to vote at any Annual or Special general meeting. For the purpose of election of Associate member representative to the council, when both full and associate members shall be eligible to vote.
  • Both full and associate members elected to the Council shall be eligible to vote at council meetings.
  • All classes of members shall have right to attend any Scientific or General Meeting of the Society, provided they are registered delegates.


  • Any member may resign from his membership at any time by serving a notice in writing to the Honorary Secretary. He is liable to pay all dues of Society before being relieved.
  • The Council shall have right to terminate the membership or alter the class of any individual member, even after the election, if it is subsequently found that material facts supplied in the application were incorrect.
  • The Council shall have the powers to terminate the membership of any member who has been found guilty of unprofessional conduct or of working against the interest of the Society, provided that member concerned is offered full opportunity to present his case to the Council, and provided that in case of termination of membership, the latter is confirmed at the Annual General Meeting by two-third majority of members present and voting.
  • For offence of violation of ethics or code of conduct of lesser intensity, a member may be suspended from the Society for a term of one year or more as recommended by the council.


  • Life member’s subscription – Rs. 2500/- one time for both full & associate members.
  • International members – 100 $ one time
  • All subscriptions shall be due on election.

FINANCIAL YEAR : The financial year of the Society shall be 1 st April to 31 st March.

BANK ACCOUNT : The Bank Account shall be operated by the Honorary Treasurer. All cheques shall be signed by two Officers of the Society of whom one shall be the Honorary Treasurer and the other either the Honorary Secretary or any other officer nominated for the year by the Council.


  • Officers of the Society shall be the President, President-elect, Honorary Secretary and Honorary treasurer.
  • The officers shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting from a list of suggested nominations submitted to the Council.
  • At the time of nomination he must be a full member and he must have completed one term as council member.
    • (i) President: : The President-Elect for the given term will automatically become the President for the next term. He will hold the Office for one year. An election for the post of President will be held only if the President-Elect for the previous term does not wish to or is not available to take over the office of the President.The President shall hold Office from the day following the termination of Annual General meeting at which he is installed to the termination of the second next Annual General Meeting.
    • (ii) President-Elect: The President – Elect shall be elected for one year. He will automatically become the President for the following term. The President-Elect shall hold office from the day following termination of Annual general meeting at which he is elected to the termination of the second annual general meeting.
    • (iii)   Honorary Secretary: The Honorary Secretary will be elected for two years. The Honorary Secretary shall hold Office from the day following termination of Annual General Meeting at which he is elected to the termination of the second annual general meeting.
  • The President shall not be eligible for immediate re-election .The President-Elect will automatically become President at the end of one year.
  • The Honorary Secretary shall be eligible for immediate re-election for one more term of two years, i.e. up to a maximum of two consecutive terms. Thereafter he shall not be eligible for re-election till lapse of two years.
  • The Honorary Treasurer shall hold office for two years and shall be eligible for re- election for another term of two years, i.e. up to a maximum of two consecutive terms. Thereafter, he will not be eligible for immediate re-election for a period of two years.


  • The President shall preside at the Annual General meetings/special general body meetings and at all the meetings of the Council.
  • The President-elect shall perform all duties of the President in the absence of the later or at his request. The President-Elect shall have such other powers and function as may be assigned to him by the Council.
  • The Honorary Secretary shall look after the day-to-day affairs of the Society under the direction of the Council. He shall be responsible for summoning all meetings, preparing the agendas and keeping minutes of the proceedings. He shall be in charge of all files, documents, books and other papers of the Society. He shall be responsible for maintaining a register of members. He shall also be responsible for formulating the annual report to be presented before the Council and the Annual General Meeting. He will sue or be sued on behalf of the Society.
  • The Honorary Treasurer shall be responsible for receiving all subscriptions and other dues from the members, for paying all bills and for preparing an audited statement of accounts and balance sheet annually to the Council and the Annual General Meeting. He shall keep accurate records of all financial transactions of the Society. On request from the Honorary Secretary, he shall pay authorized bills of the Secretary. He shall be responsible for notifying all members regarding their dues to the Society.


The Council of the Society shall consist of following elected and Ex-Officio members.

Elected Members:

President, President-Elect, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer and six state representatives as Council members – five full members and one associate member.

Ex-Officio Member:

Immediate Past President and Central Council Member to USI.

Co-opted Member:

A member may be called by the council for any given meeting.

The Council will be elected as under:

  • i)  The council members will be elected by the full members of the Society during the elections held at the time of the annual business meeting from time to time.
  • ii)  The President Elect, Hon. Secretary, Hon. Treasurer will be elected during the annual business meeting by the full members present.
  • No member of the society shall be eligible for election as member of the Council unless he or she has completed three years as a full member of the society at the time of election.
  • Council nominations for Full members shall be made by two full members, along with a written consent by the candidate agreeing to the nomination.
  • Nomination for Officers of the Council shall be made by two full members along with written consent of the candidates to contest for the office.
  • All nominations for council election should reach the President Elect at least four weeks before the date fixed by the Honorary Secretary.
  • All members of the Council shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting.
  • For any casual vacancy in the Council that may occur, the Council shall be empowered to appoint a successor who shall hold the office or be an ordinary member, as the case may be until the next Annual General Meeting.
  • The Associate Member contesting for council member will be proposed and seconded by two full members. The associate members along with full member will vote for this post.


  • The Council shall constitute the executive authority of the Society in all matters scientific, business and financial.
  • The Council shall be responsible for arrangements for the business and scientific parts of the Annual General Meeting.
  • The Council shall have the powers to appoint any sub-committee for any specific purpose of any aspect of the functioning of the Society. Such committees shall be responsible to the Council. The reports of such committees shall be incorporated in the reports of the Council and submitted by the Council at the Annual General Meeting.
  • The Council shall have powers to invest money of the society with due regard of existing laws.
  • The Council shall be executive body to review the application forms of the associate members to be promoted as full members as and when occasion arises.
  • The Council shall meet at the call of the President. Five members personally present shall constitute a quorum.


  • The Annual General meeting shall consist of two parts; viz. business and scientific.
  • The Annual General Business Meeting shall be held not later than ten months after the date of termination of the financial year of the Society.
  • The Council shall have powers to convene such other business meeting it deems necessary, when it shall be called a special general meeting.
  • The Council shall have powers to decide to convene such other scientific meetings besides the annual one as it deems desirable.
  • The agenda for the Annual General Business Meeting shall be:
    1. To receive the report of the Council and report of the Secretary.
    2. To receive the report of the Hon.Treasurer and the audited statements of accounts and balance sheet.
    3. A copy of the Annual Report of the Society to be sent to USI.
    4. To approve new members to the Society as recommended by the Council.
    5. To elect officers and members of the Council.
    6. To appoint the auditors.
    7. To consider other business as the Council may determine.
    8. To consider any resolution or amendments to the rules submitted by members in accordance with Rules 15(g) and 20.
  • Quorum at Annual General Meetings shall be constituted by fifteen full members. If no quorum is formed at the first instance the meeting shall be dissolved and convened after 15 minutes, when no quorum shall be required
  • Resolution: Any member desirous of moving a resolution at the Annual General Meeting shall notify the same in writing to the Hon.Secretary at least six weeks before the date of such meeting.


  • The Journal of Urology in Eastern India shall be the Official Journal of the Society.
  • The management and functioning of the journal shall be as per rules and regulations already laid down and approved by the Council of USI.


The assets and liabilities and other accounts of the existing Association of persons known as the Urological Society of India, East Zone at the time of adoption of these rules and regulations and registration act, 1860 shall be taken over by the Society and the account shall continue to be operated in the same manner as earlier.


Any number not less than three-fifths of the members of the Society may determine that the Society shall be dissolved, and thereupon it shall be dissolved forthwith, or at the time then agreed upon, and all necessary steps shall be taken for the disposal and settlement of property of the Society, its claims and liabilities. If upon dissolution or termination of the Society there shall remain after discharge of all the debts and liabilities any property or funds whatsoever they shall be given or transferred to an institution or institutions having similar objectives as the Society which shall be determined by the votes of not less than three-fifth of the members of the group at the meeting at the time of dissolution.


Notice of any proposal to repeal, amend or add to the existing rules shall be forwarded to the Hon. Secretary in writing not later than six weeks before the date of the Annual General Meeting. All the amendments to the rules suggested by the members or by the Council shall be circulated to the members by Hon. Secretary at least two weeks prior to the meeting. The proposal shall appear in the agenda of the meeting in the form of a resolution duly proposed and seconded .No proposal shall be considered as passed unless it is carried by a majority of at least three-fifth of the members present and voting.


Dr. (Brig.) B. Routray








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