East Zone Urological Society

Awards and Prizes

Awards and Prizes of East Zone Urological Society of India

Urology Trust of Orissa Oration: The oration is being awarded every year at the time of the Annual Conference of USI (EZ). The orator should preferably be a full member of USI or a non-member belonging to any para-urological specialty. Any member of the east zone can nominate a person with the topic of oration and the bio-data and it should reach the Honorary Secretary by 15th July. A medal, scroll and a certificate will be given to the orator. No cash award.

Prof. R.V.P.Sinha Oration: Awarded to the President Elect and carries no cash award. The oration will be awarded every year at the time of the Annual Conference of USI (EZ). Topic of oration and the bio-data should reach the Honorary Secretary by 15th of July. A medal, scroll and a certificate will be given to the orator.

Siliguri Travelling Fellowship: Awarded to a younger full member of USI (EZ). A lump sum of Rs.6000/- will be available for training in urology anywhere in India on his own choice. Written application with detailed bio data should reach the Honorary Secretary by 15th July for scrutiny by the Council. On completion of the training the member should send a report with a certificate from the HOD of the Training Institute to the Honorary Secretary before 15th July 2013.

Best Paper Award: Two best papers presented during the Annual Conference are selected for this award and open to all members of the East Zone USI of any age. They will be awarded with a certificate with a cash prize of Rs. 1000/- each.

Best Poster Award: One best adjudged poster presented during the Annual Conference will be selected for this award and open to all members of the East Zone USI of any age. He will be awarded with a certificate with a cash prize of Rs. 1000/-.

Best Video Award: One best video presented during the Annual Conference is selected for this award and opens to all members of the East Zone USI of any age. He will be awarded with a certificate with a cash prize of Rs. 1000/-

Best Essay Award: The competition for the “Best essay award” is open to only trainee urologist (M.Ch/D.N.B) and should be an associate member of USI East Zone Chapter. The essay should not be more than three thousand words. Two hard copies of the essay and a soft copy in Microsoft Office Word format along with the forwarded letter from the HOD should reach the Honorary Secretary, USI EZ before 15th of July.

MIUC Traveling Fellowship: Awarded to a full or associate member (undergoing M.Ch or D.N.B Training in Urology) of USI (EZ) under the age of 45 years. A lump sum of Rs.25,000/- will be available for training in urology, preferably in Laparoscopy or Endourology, anywhere in India on his own choice. On completion of the training the member should send a report with a certificate from the HOD of the Training Institute to the Honorary Secretary before annual conference of concerned year.

Uro Quiz : Two winners will be awarded with the certificate and cash prize based on the result of the Uro Quiz to be conducted by the Quiz Master during the Annual Conference at Jamshedpur. Post Graduates are requested to participate in large number.

Urology Trust of Orissa trainee exchange program: Urology Trust of Orissa will donate Rs. 10,000/- (ten thousand) every year for zonal urology trainee exchange program. This contribution will be given to two Post Graduates (Rs.5000/- each) on completion of urology training for a period of two weeks in two designated M.Ch/DNB centres on exchange basis selected by the council.

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